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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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Displaying results 1 - 10 of 77 matches (0.09 seconds)
1. Chester Zoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
a b "Chester Zoo" . GoodZoos website . . Retrieved 2007-02-27 .   ^ "History of Chester Zoo" . Chester Zoo website . - 167.8kb

2. San Diego Zoo - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Happy Hollow Park & Zoo Living Desert Zoo and Gardens Los Angeles Zoo Micke Grove Zoo Moonridge Animal Park Oakland Zoo Orange County Zoo Sacramento Zoo Safari West San Diego Zoo San Diego Zoo Safari Park - 125.1kb
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3. ANIMAL PEOPLE I March 08 Could the Giza Zoo become a rescue center?
2008 Could the Giza Zoo become a rescue center? CAIRO--Little changed in 117 years, the Giza Zoo is either the best of Zoos or the worst of Zoos, according to many noisy authorities, and may - 33.0kb

New Zealand, but the Taronga Zoo in Sydney and Melbourne Zoo in Australia and the Auckland Zoo in New Zealand in 1998 formed an elephant breeding consortium with the Monarto Open Range Zoo and the Sunshine Coast Australia - 43.5kb
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5. Boston Pride for Zoo New England |
Entertainment Animals | Zoos by John Cass An editorial including a financial analysis addressing the tightened budget of Zoo New England with statistics on Zoo attendance in the New England area. The findings - 16.4kb

6. There are Big Gaps in our Knowledge, and thus Approach, to Zoo Animal Welfar...
and thus Approach, to Zoo Animal Welfare Submitted on Feb 28, 2010 (Original item from 2009) Entertainment Animals | International Research | Zoos - 16.8kb
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7. WSPA welcomes closure of cruel Malaysian zoo
removed and taken to another zoo with higher animal welfare standards, Malacca zoo and a protected area, Paya Indah Wetlands. Prior to the action by PERHILITAN, myzoo had recently written to the government outlining that Saleng zoo had - 14.6kb

8. First zoo welfare law for Malaysian zoos
news News 2010 First zoo welfare law for Malaysian zoos First zoo welfare law for Malaysian zoos Jun 23, 2010 Tweet Malaysia’s new welfare guidelines will set a benchmark for zoo conditions© WSPA - 13.2kb
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9. Against Zoos, by Dale Jamieson
function of contemporary zoos as well. Most people visit zoos in order to be entertained, and any zoo that wishes to remain financially sound must cater to this desire. Even highly regarded zoos, - 34.7kb

10. Do Animals Have a Right to Liberty?, by James Rachels
confined environment of the zoo.[7] Another example is taken from a widely used psychology textbook, which tells the story of a baboon colony in the London zoo. - 84.6kb
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