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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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humans should look after animals rather than control animals (Waldau, 2006). Qualitative Comparative Studies The origins of attitudes towards animals can only be traced by a universal understanding of the attitudes towards animals. A - 949.2kb

2. Jenia Meng's Homepage
My book 'ORIGINS OF ATTITUDES TOWARDS ANIMALS' (A4 size page, 400 pages), and the JM Indices I created can be accessed here. 'Channel Divine: Experimental Study of Universal Mind and Cosmology' - my book of more than 20,000 - 9.9kb
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3. ASI: HAS Courses in the Midwest
Dikeman History and Attitudes of Animal Use. A short history of animal use and the livestock industry; Attitudes towards animals; the symbiotic bond between humans and animals; the contributions from animals of food, fiber, work, and - 49.9kb

4. ASI: HAS Courses in the Midwest
Dikeman History and Attitudes of Animal Use. A short history of animal use and the livestock industry; Attitudes towards animals; the symbiotic bond between humans and animals; the contributions from animals of food, fiber, work, and - 48.8kb
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5. Resolution Conf. 10.7 (Rev. CoP15)
collections of exotic animals for many kinds of research (e.g. behavioural, ecological, physiological, psychological, medical). Attitudes towards vivisection, or even towards the non-invasive use of animals in research laboratories as - 107.0kb

6. Earth April Research
are associated with the attitudes towards animals, memes (tradition, religion, political ideology, education, etc.) and genes (empathy, position in social hierarchy, genetic similarity to the animals, etc.) are two fundamental origins of - 30.2kb

Sweden; Other types of attitudes analysed were: naturalness (Genetic changes) of animals,autonomy of animals, animal experimentation, wildlife protection, spiritual power of animals. • Respect for the autonomy of animals is identified as a - 27.9kb
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8. Animal Studies Bibliography | Animal Studies at Michigan State University
and Ethical Subjects | Animals as Reflexive Thinkers | Domestication and Predation | Animals as Entertainment and Spectacle | Animals as Companions | Animals as Symbols | Animals in Science, Education and Therapy | Animals in - 328.2kb

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