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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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1. Arabian horse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Domestication of the horse horses in warfare horses in the Middle Ages horses in East Asian warfare History of the horse in South Asia horses in the Napoleonic Wars horses in World War I horses in World War II - 421.0kb

2. Horse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Domestication of the horse horses in warfare horses in the Middle Ages horses in East Asian warfare History of the horse in South Asia horses in the Napoleonic Wars horses in World War I horses in World War II - 423.2kb
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Dog, Dolphin, Cat, Horse, Cattle, Pig, Rat, Chicken, Octopus, Fish, Companion Animal, Farm Animal, Animal Experimentation, Wildlife, Spiritual Power, Evolution, Gene, Meme, Altruism, Biophilia, Information. Australian and New Zealand - 949.2kb

4. The Cruelest Horse Show on Earth : The Humane Society of the United States
17, 2009 The Cruelest Horse Show on Earth A record-setting number of violations reported at 71st Tennessee Walking Horse Celebration Amid allegations of bribery and Horse abuse, the 71st Tennessee - 26.7kb

5. Horse Owners Urged to Be Vigilant in the Face of Equine Herpes Outbreak : Th...
Precautions Urged for Horse Owners We encourage Horse owners to be vigilant in observing their Horses for early signs of illness. If you suspect or observe any symptoms, immediately isolate the Horse(s) and limit movement of any Horses on - 25.1kb
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6. ANIMAL PEOPLE I October | Walking horse industry quicksteps after failed USD...
2006 Walking horse industry quick-steps after failed USDA soring inspections NASHVILLE --Between allegedly "sored" horses and sore losers, walking horse competition burst into national - 26.6kb

7. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Oct 07 Horse defenders try to close borders
140,000 American horses were turned into horsemeat last year, according to government figures, about 1.5 percent of the 9.2 million horses the American horse Council estimates are in the U.S." - 13.5kb
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8. Night-time rescue for fallen horse
Night-time rescue for fallen horse Night-time rescue for fallen horse Tweet Pegasus' equipment lit the well and allowed help to reach the shaking horse© Pegasus Israeli member society Pegasus rose to the challenge - 13.6kb

9. Join the campaign against horse fighting
Join the campaign against horse fighting Join the campaign against horse fighting Mar 3, 2008 Tweet A healthy horse© WSPA WSPA Asia is supporting Network for Animals’ campaign against horse fighting - 13.9kb
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