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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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Displaying results 1 - 10 of 58 matches (0.31 seconds)
1. Elephant - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mammals portal Elephantidae Elephants in Kerala culture Elephant's graveyard Execution by Elephant History of Elephants in Europe Mela shikar Ivory trade List of Elephants in mythology and religion List of - 298.0kb

2. Carol Buckley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lectures 18th Annual Elephant Managers Association Workshop, Fort Worth Zoo, 1997, "The Elephant Sanctuary - A Natural Habitat Refuge for Asian Elephants". Carol Buckley, Elephant Sanctuary in Hohenwald, TN 17 min. [ 68 ] USDA - 102.9kb
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3. "One Lucky Elephant" - Sounding the Trumpet for Elephants : The Humane Socie...
June 19th, One Lucky Elephant , a documentary 10 years in the making, premiered at the Los Angeles Film Festival to a sold out theater and rave reviews . One Lucky Elephant follows the story of Flora, an orphaned African Elephant - 24.5kb

4. "One Lucky Elephant"—A Trumpet Call for the Wild : The Humane Society...
the impact of captivity on elephants and other wild animals. Scheduled for release in theaters in New York (June 8) and Los Angeles (June 24), "One Lucky elephant" has been selected to participate in the 2011 American Documentary Showcase, - 23.6kb
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The public loves elephants as much as ever, but knowing more about elephants than ever before, elephant enthusiasts are increasingly skeptical that elephants can enjoy the quality of life they deserve within the - 43.5kb

6. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Nov/Dec 2007 Elephant polo debate overshadows introduction o...
beneficiary is the National Elephant Institute in Lampang. The institute works for the benefit of both the 1,500 wild Elephants believed to be in Thailand and the estimated 2,500 captive Elephants. Some of the captive Elephants--like the polo - 17.5kb
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7. WWF - Questions and Answers on two species of African Elephant
habitat use (bush elephants are found in savannas and woodlands; forest elephants are found in dense forest); diet (the forest elephant is much more of a browser and frugivore i.e. it feeds more on leaves and fruit; the savanna elephant - 52.3kb

8. WWF - Elephant conservation in Africa
negative attitudes towards elephants. But there are also potential benefits from elephants, including the income from tourism and, in some states, the sustainable use of elephant products. WWF not only has policy interests in elephants, but also - 48.3kb
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9. African Elephant | IFAW Web Site
sunburn and insect bites, elephants roll in dust and mud, or throw it on themselves with their trunks. The African elephant is larger than the Asian elephant and has larger, fan-like ears up to 1.5 meters (4.9 feet). African elephants also - 56.5kb

10. Asian elephant | IFAW Web Site
Compared to African elephants, Asian elephants are smaller, and have smaller ears and a flatter forehead. The Asian elephant's trunk is actually an elongation of the nose and has a finger-like projection at the tip that is very - 52.7kb
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