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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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Cat, Horse, Cattle, Pig, Rat, Chicken, Octopus, Fish, Companion Animal, Farm Animal, Animal Experimentation, Wildlife, Spiritual Power, Evolution, Gene, Meme, Altruism, Biophilia, Information. Australian and New Zealand Standard - 949.2kb

2. Learned pig - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
on the assumption that the pigs were badly beaten by their trainers to force them to behave. [ 1 ] [edit ] Later pigs Poster for Toby the Sapient pig In 1798 a learned pig appeared in the United States. William Frederick - 47.1kb

3. Pig slaughter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Two halves of pigs pig slaughter is a necessary activity to obtain pig meat - pork . It regularly happens as part of traditional and intensive pig farming . pigs are slaughtered at different ages. Generally they can be - 93.9kb
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4. Something to Wheek About: Cavy Care 101 : The Humane Society of the United S...
Welcoming Your New Guinea Pig News: News/Feature September 13, 2010 The Guinea Pig at the Puppy Mill Guinea Pig Care and Behavior Tips Resource: Tip Sheet April 21, 2010 Guinea - 23.1kb

5. Something to Wheek About: Get Happy With Guinea Pigs : The Humane Society of...
other. ” Guinea pigs also have a playful streak: Bells, mirrors, and hay-stuffed slitted bags are popular toys, and some of Cauthen’s piggies even enjoy games of fetch. Sadly, some guinea pig owners never see their pets’ - 22.4kb
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6. Pig Farms | An Animal Equality Documentary (English) - Animal Rights Zone
Add Pig Farms | An Animal Equality Documentary (English) Added by Carolyn Bailey on December 16, 2010 at 19:21 View Videos - 69.7kb

7. Animal Equality: Pigs Brutally Stabbed with Swords on Pig Farm to Supply Lea...
  Workers  hitting pigs on their heads with iron bars , jumping on top of them, kicking them, and posing in front of a camera with the pigs Workers attacking and killing pigs with meter-in-length swords The hitting of a pregnant - 96.5kb
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8. ANIMAL PEOPLE I March 08 Heparin crisis rekindles concern about disease from...
for humans in pigs, citing concern about the risk of accidentally transmitting pig endogenous retroviruses into humans. Called PERVs for short, pig endogenous retroviruses do not harm pigs, - 12.4kb

9. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Jan.-Feb. 07 Feral pigs become scapegoats—in the U.S. ...
Common domestic pigs also hybridize with Arkansas razorbacks, existing feral pig populations, and even with dumped or escaped ex-pet Vietnamese potbellied pigs. Among the many different pig strains - 33.4kb
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10. Socio-Cultural Sustainability of Pig Production: Citizen Perceptions in the ...
sustainability of pig production and found that citizens are very concerned with over-exploitation of animals in contemporary systems, but also appreciate the dynamics of a modern pig farm at the same time. - 16.7kb

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