1. Seal hunting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seal_hunting - 238.4kb
cats and dogs and wild harp seals that are killed for
their furs (HSUS, n.d.-b.;FFA, n.d.). In 2004, fur farming was outlawed in England and Wales
on the ground of ‘public morality’ and an increasing number of European nations have,
http://jmeng.goodeasy.info/publications/OriginsOfAttitudesTowardsAnimals_JMeng2009.htm - 949.2kb
4. A Year of Seal Hunt Extremes : The Humane Society of the United States
of the struggling baby seals entirely, the Canadian government ruthlessly set the highest quota for seals in history, authorizing sealers to kill more than 468,000 of them.
At the same time, rock-bottom prices for seal fur convinced most
http://www.humanesociety.org/news/dispatch/2011/04/seal_hunt_extremes_041611.html - 23.0kb
6. Animal People July-August 2008
imports of harp and hooded seal products. Â seal Alert fought hard to include all species of seal around the world."
European Parliament member Caroline Lucas, Â who introduced the 2006 Written Declaration, Â was at that time
http://www.animalpeoplenews.org/ap7808.htm - 209.2kb
8. Hawaiian monk seal | IFAW Web Site
the other remaining monk seal species (the critically
endangered Mediterranean monk seal, M. monachus , and the extinct
Caribbean monk seal, M. tropicalis ), the Hawaiian monk seal is very
sensitive to human disturbance and habitat
http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw_united_states/save_animals/seals/hawaiian_monk_seal.php - 55.9kb
9. South African (Cape) Fur Seal | IFAW Web Site
is the Australian fur
seal (A. p. doriferus) of southeastern Australia, Tasmania, and New South
Wales.The male Cape fur seal is the largest of the fur seals. It has an
obvious forehead and relatively long, heavy muzzle which ends in a
http://www.ifaw.org/ifaw_united_states/save_animals/seals/south_african_(cape)_fur_seal.php - 54.1kb
More results from www.ifaw.org ]
10. Journalists attacked and arrested during Namibian seal hunt
and arrested during Namibian seal hunt
Journalists attacked and arrested during Namibian seal hunt Jul 17, 2009
The Cape Cross seal Reserve attracts many thousands of paying visitors each year. Opening hours are
http://www.wspa-international.org/latestnews/2009/journalist_attacked_covering_namibian_seal_hunt.aspx - 16.5kb