1. Fox hunting - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
to spotlighting or deer hunting . In much of the world hunting in general is understood to relate to any game animals or weapons (e.g., deer hunting with bow and arrow); in Britain, "hunting" without qualification implies fox hunting (or
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fox_hunting - 299.3kb
3. Investigation Documents Cruelty of Bear Baiting : The Humane Society of the ...
as training events for hunting dogs, but for some, bear baiting is a spectator event for those who enjoy watching dogs attack a bear.
There are currently 26 captive black bears in South Carolina, many likely used for bear baiting. The
http://www.humanesociety.org/news/news/2010/08/bear_baiting_082310.html - 22.1kb
5. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Oct 07 "Future of Hunting" TV show and future of h...
12%. Big game hunting declined 2%, the only type of hunting that did not
fall off even faster than overall hunting participation. Big game hunting,
however, is primarily a pursuit of older, more affluent hunters,
http://www.animalpeoplenews.org/07/10/futureofhuntingtv10_07.html - 20.7kb
7. Animal Studies Bibliography | Animal Studies at Michigan State University
1987. The ethics of hunting: Killing as life-sustaining. Reason Papers 12.
Vitali, Theodore. 1990. Sport hunting: Moral or immoral? Environmental Ethics 12(1): 69-82.
Wade, Maurice. 1990. Animal liberation: Ecocentrism and the
http://ecoculturalgroup.msu.edu/bibliography.htm - 328.2kb
8. National Anti-Vivisection Society: Connecticut and Wyoming Move to Ban Inter...
states, but unlike internet hunting they are supported by organizations such as the National Rifle Association and Safari Club International, which oppose any measure that restricts hunting. Internet hunting is an exception as even these
http://www.navs.org/site/News2?page=NewsArticle&id=7745 - 19.2kb
10. Wanted Dead and Alive: Are Hunting and Protection of Endangered Species Comp...
require some legalization of hunting to provide a revenue base.
In many west and central African countries, all forms of hunting are illegal, therefore the enforcement of selective hunting may be difficult. It would also be difficult
http://www.humaneresearch.org/content/wanted-dead-and-alive-are-hunting-and-protection-endangered-species-compatible - 16.8kb