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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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for the avoidance of animals. · The attitude to animal welfare is a more consistent predictor of the attitudes to world issues among different types of animal protection at the present time. · Females on average have more positive - 949.2kb

2. Homosexual behavior in animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
] Mallards Two male Mallards , Anas platyrhynchos Mallards form male-female pairs only until the female lays eggs, at which time the male leaves the female. Mallards have rates of male-male sexual activity that are unusually - 185.0kb

meeting the medical needs of animals. It covers wildlife, farm animals, companion animals, laboratory animals, and work animals, and stipulates welfare requirements for animals in transport and slaughter. While the International Fund - 187.2kb

4. Animal People Online » Letters— April 2011
sterilizing 60% to 70% of a female street dog or feral cat population stabilizes the numbers of dogs or cats,  while sterilizing more brings a steep reduction.  The study data also indicates that sterilizing males as well as females tends to - 69.9kb
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5. Origins of Attitudes Towards Animals - Google Books
Search Origins of Attitudes Towards Animals By Jenia Meng Origins of Attitudes Towards Animals Jenia Meng 1 Review Jenia Meng, 2009 - Mathematics - 401 pages Origins of Attitudes towards Animals is a - 82.5kb

6. Attitudes of Romanian Pet Caretakers Towards Sterlization of Their Animals |...
of Romanian pet owners found gender-biased attitudes toward the sterilization of their pets, emerging only when the gender of the animal was considered. Romanian men more frequently disagreed with the neutering of male pets compared with Romanian - 16.7kb

7. Attitudes, Knowledge, and Behaviors Toward Wildlife as Affected by Gender | ...
Differences between female and male attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors toward wildlife, including various uses of animals, species preferences, and activities such as hunting and fishing. This content is - 14.3kb
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on the work of Origins of Attitudes Towards Animals -Students' Attitudes to animal welfare and rights in Europe and Asia. Animal Welfare (University Federation of Animal Welfare) -An international comparison of female and male students' - 27.9kb

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