importance of definition in the scientific and philosophic
agreement on the definitions of
own version of definitions. To avoid
before a discussion. However g
needed to be presented, it is impossible to give comprehensive
http://jmeng.goodeasy.info/publications/OriginsOfAttitudesTowardsAnimals_JMeng2009.htm - 949.2kb
2. Vegetarianism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Economic Vegetarianism
Environmental Vegetarianism
History of Vegetarianism
Lacto Vegetarianism
List of vegetarians
Ovo Vegetarianism
Ovo-lacto Vegetarianism
Vegetarianism by
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vegetarian - 372.6kb
4. How to Do Animal Rights - Vegetarianism
with this.
Degrees of Vegetarianism
You do not have to abstain from eating meat totally to call yourself a veggie because people practice different styles of Vegetarianism. Grades of Vegetarianism depend on whether you eat dairy
http://www.animalethics.org.uk/vegetarianism.html - 22.0kb
5. Vegetarianism and Veganism | HumaneSpot.org
item from 2009)
Vegetarianism and Veganism
by Los Angeles Times
Vegetarianism seems to be growing within U.S. families, particularly as more research stresses the health benefits of plant-based diets.
http://www.humaneresearch.org/taxonomy/term/10?page=8 - 27.4kb
7. International Vegetarian Union - Articles Index - Philosopy / Ethics
Vegetarianism : A Message for the New Age (World Congress 1957)
Vegetarianism : A Way of Life (World Congress 1957)
and evolution
http://www.ivu.org/articles/ethics.html - 31.5kb
9. Animal Studies Bibliography | Animal Studies at Michigan State University
Kheel, Marti. 2004. "Vegetarianism and Ecofeminism: Toppling Patriarchy with a Fork." In Steve F. Sapontzis (ed.), Food for Thought: The Debate Over Eating Meat , 327-341. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books.
Kheel, Marti. 2004.
http://ecoculturalgroup.msu.edu/bibliography.htm - 328.2kb
10. Vegan Discrimination: An Emerging and Difficult Dilemma ~ Sarah Soifer - A...
and inclusive statutory definition.
This definition of a religious creed is based upon a concept of religion that originated in United States  v. Seeger. 4 ' In consolidated cases, the Supreme Court dealt with the claims of
http://arzone.ning.com/xn/detail/4715978:Comment:102411 - 176.1kb