attitudes towards animals.
· A holistic world view is tied to high Reverence for animals.
· animal Rights is a product of animal welfare and Reverence for animals. Societies
can have low levels of animal welfare but high levels
http://jmeng.goodeasy.info/publications/OriginsOfAttitudesTowardsAnimals_JMeng2009.htm - 949.2kb
2. Animal People September 2008
Society of Louisiana, Animal Rescue New Orleans, Plaquemines Animal Welfare Society, Denham Springs Animal Shelter, Animal Aid of Vermillion Parish, Greater Birmingham Humane Society, and Wild Animal Orphanage.
http://www.animalpeoplenews.org/ap0908.htm - 219.6kb
3. Animal People July-August 2008
benefit a chosen few, Â so ANIMAL PEOPLE believes it is inherently unethical for an ANIMAL charity to cause some ANIMALs to suffer on behalf of other ANIMALs.
For example, Â ANIMAL PEOPLE finds unethical any policies which promote the
http://www.animalpeoplenews.org/ap7808.htm - 209.2kb
More results from www.animalpeoplenews.org ]
4. More about Pigs : The Humane Society of the United States
raised them as free-roaming animals; those who escaped into the wild became feral.[16] During the 20th century, European wild boar were brought to the United States as a "game" animal for hunting. Some of these animals escaped and mated with
http://www.humanesociety.org/animals/pigs/pigs_more.html - 81.9kb
6. Resolution Conf. 10.7 (Rev. CoP15)
for disposal of confiscated animals have thus far been influenced by the perception that returning animals to the wild is the optimal solution in terms of both animal welfare and conservation. A growing body of scientific study of
http://www.cites.org/eng/res/10/10-07R15.shtml - 107.0kb