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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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41. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Sept 07 Fourteen of 26 defendants are sentenced & lectur...
unimaginable pain without any pity for the animals." Qureshi fined them less than the maximum £2,500 because they were first-time offenders. Dogfighting in Britain has - 8.5kb

42. ANIMAL PEOPLE I May 08 Abolition of gas chambers and heart-sticking progress...
show that the risks of pain from mistakes in an otherwise 'humane lethal execution protocol' amounted to cruel and unusual punishment," Stout wrote. The Macon city council in February 2008 - 18.6kb

43. ANIMAL PEOPLE I May 08 High-tech cameras help to put the Japanese spotlight ...
filmed writhing in pain as Taiji whalers speared them repeatedly or cracked their spines with spiked weapons," Harnell wrote. "Stricken dolphins are also shown thrashing about wildly, blood pouring - 13.6kb

44. ANIMAL PEOPLE I May 08 Pet theft-to-eat cases prosecuted in China, Korea, ...
public hygiene, and the pain it inflicts upon the dogs. A bad tradition should be denied and shunned." Korea Times staff reporter Kim Rahn on February 19, 2008 reported that "A 52-year-old man - 12.2kb

45. ANIMAL PEOPLE I June 07 Books for Animal People
years for severe and painful hip dysplacia, when the dog discovered where the chickens on the farm were laying their eggs. She began to consume eggs daily. In no time her skeletal development completed itself, the - 36.1kb

46. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Jan.-Feb. 07 Sid Yost performing chimps to be retired
them, and inflicting pain in order to force them to perform. Yost has been fined and placed on probation repeatedly in the past for animal-related offenses," the ALDF said, "including a $2,000 fine from - 8.6kb

47. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Nov. 06 Seeking to end sacrifice
(of the animal) is a sign of pain and suffering and not a communication with anybody." Actual confrontation between the National SPCA and practitioners of animal sacrifice came in March 2006, after police - 18.6kb

48. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Dec. 06 Dutch Party of the Animals wins 2 seats
the right to freedom from pain, fear and stress caused by humans. Let's begin," Thieme suggested, "by easing the suffering of cows, pigs, and chickens stuck in factory farms." Thirty candidates - 8.6kb

49. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Dec. 06 How to do pre-euthanasia sedation
and don't represent pain, but sure are disconcerting for the humans. In five years, I have seen two cats become twitchy or agitated with telazol. One was actually a serval, so who knows? The other was a very ill - 15.5kb

50. ANIMAL PEOPLE I October | Walking horse industry quicksteps after failed USD...
an effort to make the pain stop, the horses step high in a reaction to the soring agents, federal officials say." In practical terms, the Frist recommendation would mean that the looser interpretations - 26.6kb

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