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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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Displaying results 171 - 180 of 678 matches (0.34 seconds)
171. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Nov/Dec 07 Big puppy mill raids "barked up the right tr...
against lax regulation of dog breeders. A five-month HSUS investigation found more than 900 active dog breeders in Virgina, of whom only 16 held USDA permits to breed dogs for sale across state lines, - 18.4kb

172. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Nov/Dec 07 Books for Animal People
book with photographs of dogs of many different breeds. Whatever kind of dog a reader has had is likely to be represented. Hardly anyone will learn anything new about dogs from Good dog. Stay. The closest Quindlen comes to - 24.1kb

what Mackie does to make dog and cat sterilization quick and easy. QuickSpay seeks to remedy that by showing, in just an hour of videotape time, how Mackie performs start-to-finish spays and castrations on a female dog, a male - 36.7kb

174. ANIMAL PEOPLE I Oct 07 Canada takes seal product bans to WTO
Links Watchdog Report Subscribe Online (safe) Spanish Edition French Edition AP articles Sampler AP Masthead The LEWYT Awards - 16.3kb

The 3rd annual Dogs Deserve Better “Have a Heart for Chained Dogs” campaign delivered 3,061 Valentines, Dog treats, and anti-chaining brochures on February 14. The Valentines were made by 29 school groups, - 7.7kb

176. ANIMAL PEOPLE | Nov. 2005 | Everyone takes blame for spreading H5N1
humans, has never infected dogs. That did not stop officials hellbent on finding a pretext to kill street dogs near Balikesir, Turkey, when H5N1 was discovered there in early October. Street dogs were as easily blamed as anyone for the - 26.6kb

and volunteers. With 87 dogs on hand, and nowhere else to go, they needed to rehome almost a dog a day. This was not necessarily impossible for K9 Friends—just difficult. Founded in 1987 as a dog club, - 35.0kb

178. Lewyt Award April 1999
soon changed. A scrawny dog also slipped into the well, the dog Kimberly named Buddy. Buddy lived up to his name in every way. He immediately snuggled up to his newly found friend and kept her warm and safe - 4.1kb

Dogs As many as 1.2 million Dogs are killed on U.S. roads each year. Many are chasing something--a - 32.5kb

was supposed to be a herding dog and instead of herding she chased the cattle away. She is a favorite at the shelter just the same. They are extremely proud of their compassionate dog Cleo. The Lewyt Award for December 2006 - 8.5kb

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