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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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1. The Humane Touch: Profile of Adam Parascandola : The Humane Society of the U...
HSUS's director of animal cruelty issues, Parascandola believed the footage—recorded last fall by an HSUS undercover investigator—revealed acts that violated Vermont's cruelty code. A successful prosecution, he knew, would depend on - 23.5kb

2. Nebraska Horses Rescued : The Humane Society of the United States
the most disturbing cases of cruelty that I have come across in many years of equine rescue," said Jerry Finch, director of Habitat for Horses. "These mustangs are part of our American history and deserve respect and proper care." The property - 20.7kb

3. The Cruelest Horse Show on Earth : The Humane Society of the United States
or other allegations of cruelty. The 2009 World Grand Champion Tennessee Walking Horse is trained by former Trainer of the Year and past HPA violator Jimmy McConnell, and owned by William B. Johnson, who only recently settled a previous - 26.7kb

4. Investigative Report: Richard Berman : The Humane Society of the United States - 33.1kb

5. Frequently Asked Questions about Animal Cruelty : The Humane Society of the ...
Asked Questions about Animal Cruelty The Humane Society of the United States Any animal may be a victim of Cruelty or neglect. Mark Hayes/iStockphoto What is animal Cruelty? Animal Cruelty - 21.5kb

6. Report Animal Cruelty : The Humane Society of the United States
. How to report animal cruelty Animal cruelty is illegal in every state (and a felony in 46). If you make a report of alleged animal cruelty, the responding agency is required to investigate. Make the call : Most large municipalities - 26.9kb

7. Animal Cruelty Facts and Statistics : The Humane Society of the United States
In media-reported animal cruelty cases, dogs—and pit bulls, in particular—are the most common victims of animal cruelty. Of 1,880 cruelty cases* reported in the media in 2007: 64.5% (1,212) involved dogs 18% (337) - 23.8kb

8. End Animal Cruelty and Fighting Campaign : The Humane Society of the United ...
Contact the Animal Cruelty and Fighting Campaign Thank you for caring about animals, and about wishing to stop animal Cruelty and fighting. To report a case of animal Cruelty, please contact your local law enforcement agency (search - 20.8kb

9. Resources for Prosecutors : The Humane Society of the United States
are excellent resources for cruelty investigators and prosecutors. How to Prosecute Animal cruelty in Georgia How to Investigate Animal cruelty in N.Y. How to Investigate Animal cruelty in Vt. Primer for Investigating cruelty in - 27.1kb

10. Animal Cruelty & Fighting News : The Humane Society of the United States
End Animal Cruelty and Fighting News Videos - 31.7kb

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