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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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1. Animal Exploitation Fact Sheet // Animals Australia
Animal Experimentation Animal Exploitation Broiler Chickens Companion Animals Dairy Cows Dissection Duck Shooting Exotic Animals in Circuses Fish & Crustaceans Introduced Wild Animals Mutton Bird - 34.6kb

2. Companion Animals Fact Sheet // Animals Australia
Animal Experimentation Animal Exploitation Broiler Chickens Companion Animals Dairy Cows Dissection Duck Shooting Exotic Animals in Circuses Fish & Crustaceans Introduced Wild Animals Mutton Bird - 33.0kb

3. Dissection Fact Sheet // Animals Australia
Animal Experimentation Animal Exploitation Broiler Chickens Companion Animals Dairy Cows Dissection Duck Shooting Exotic Animals in Circuses Fish & Crustaceans Introduced Wild Animals Mutton Bird - 31.4kb

4. Animal Experimentation // Animals Australia
why they experiment on animals and the answer is: 'Because animals are like us.' “Ask the experimenters why it is morally okay to experiment on animals, and the answer is: 'Because the animals are not like us.' - 24.5kb

5. Dairy Cows Fact Sheet // Animals Australia
Animal Experimentation Animal Exploitation Broiler Chickens Companion Animals Dairy Cows Dissection Duck Shooting Exotic Animals in Circuses Fish & Crustaceans Introduced Wild Animals Mutton Bird - 29.7kb

6. Duck Shooting Fact Sheet // Animals Australia
Animal Experimentation Animal Exploitation Broiler Chickens Companion Animals Dairy Cows Dissection Duck Shooting Exotic Animals in Circuses Fish & Crustaceans Introduced Wild Animals Mutton Bird - 28.1kb

7. Animal Experimentation Fact Sheet // Animals Australia
Animal Experimentation Animal Exploitation Broiler Chickens Companion Animals Dairy Cows Dissection Duck Shooting Exotic Animals in Circuses Fish & Crustaceans Introduced Wild Animals Mutton Bird - 30.6kb

8. Broiler Chickens Fact Sheet // Animals Australia
Animal Experimentation Animal Exploitation Broiler Chickens Companion Animals Dairy Cows Dissection Duck Shooting Exotic Animals in Circuses Fish & Crustaceans Introduced Wild Animals Mutton Bird - 24.3kb

9. Exotic Animals in Circuses Fact Sheet // Animals Australia
Animal Experimentation Animal Exploitation Broiler Chickens Companion Animals Dairy Cows Dissection Duck Shooting Exotic Animals in Circuses Fish & Crustaceans Introduced Wild Animals Mutton Bird - 22.4kb

10. New Ban On ‘Cruel’ Animal Testing (UK) // Animals Australia
in goats Labs grow human-animal hybrids (UK) Monarch Air Says It Will Stop Shipping Monkeys (US) Fact Sheet: animal Experimentation Millions of cats, dogs, rabbits, mice and other animals are still poisoned, burned and killed each year for - 19.6kb

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