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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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Displaying results 301 - 310 of 356 matches (0.78 seconds)
301. View entry
Search on World Animal Net World Animal Net Directory Vegan3000 ITALY Email Back to Results Back to Main Search - 8.2kb

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Search on World Animal Net World Animal Net Directory Oltre la Specie c/o Casa del Volontariato - via Correggio, 59 I-20052 MONZA ITALY Phone: + 39 (039) 202 - 8.4kb

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Search on World Animal Net World Animal Net Directory Lega Anti Vivisezione (L.A.V.) delegazione di Udine ITALY Phone: + 39 (0432) 565 114 Fax: + 39 (0432) - 8.5kb

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Search on World Animal Net World Animal Net Directory Lega Anti Vivisezione (L.A.V.) delegazione di Pontedera Via Fiumalbi, 9, Pontedera PISA ITALY Email - 8.3kb

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Search on World Animal Net World Animal Net Directory Lega Nazionale per la Difesa del Cane Sezione Provinciale di Ferrara Via della Conchetta, 58 MALBORGHETTO - 8.7kb

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Search on World Animal Net World Animal Net Directory Lega Nazionale per la Difesa del Cane sezione provinciale di Bologna Via Lame n.173/b I-40013 TREBBO DI - 8.5kb

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Search on World Animal Net World Animal Net Directory Lega Anti Vivisezione (L.A.V.) delegazione di Torino Via Vanchiglia 6 I-10124 TORINO ITALY Phone: + 39 - 8.6kb

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Search on World Animal Net World Animal Net Directory Lega Anti Vivisezione (L.A.V.) delegazione di Savona via Carnaro 10 SAVONA ITALY Phone: + 39 (033) 567 - 8.4kb

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Search on World Animal Net World Animal Net Directory Lega Anti Vivisezione (L.A.V.) delegazione di Viareggio VIAREGGIO ITALY Email Back to Results - 8.3kb

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Search on World Animal Net World Animal Net Directory Lega Anti Vivisezione (L.A.V.) delegazione di Pordenone PORDENONE ITALY Phone: + 36 (0434) 41 368 Email - 8.4kb

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