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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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Displaying results 421 - 430 of 458 matches (0.03 seconds)
421. Animals & mental health |
effect of the presence of a dog on the way in which people perceive psychotherapists. The study utilized an experimental design in which participants viewed a videotape of one of two therapists who were either with or without a dog. - 23.9kb

422. Pet ownership & attachment |
in the care of their dogs and participants who regarded their dogs as strongly meeting needs for relatedness. It is concluded that characteristics of both the dog and the owner predispose young adults to regard their dogs as a source of - 46.7kb

423. Animals & elderly people |
exposure to a therapy dog can reduce the number of agitation behaviors in institutionalized persons with Alzheimer's disease (AD), particularly during the period of agitation known as sundown syndrome. 2. The presence of a therapy dog - 17.2kb

424. Zoonosis |
of households had pets and dog ownership was more common than cat ownership. The multivariable models for gastroenteritis and pet ownership indicated that living in a household with a dog or cat was associated with a reduced risk of - 142.7kb

425. Pet loss, grief, euthanasia, thanatology |
adults who had lost a pet dog or cat to death. Participants were administered a modified CENSHARE Pet Attachment Survey (Holcomb, Williams, & Richards, 1985) and a survey of symptoms experienced. Results indicate that initially 85.7% of - 15.8kb

426. Animals & mental health |
Interaction with a Therapy Dog Barker, Sandra B.; Knisely, Janet S.; McCain, Nancy L.; Schubert, Christine M.; Pandurangi, Anand K. read more ( categories: Animals & social support | Animals & mental - 97.4kb

427. Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) |
of MRSA, C. difficile... by dogs that participate in AAI. read more ( categories: Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) | Animal Assisted Activities (AAA) | Zoonosis ) Animal-assisted therapy - a new - 61.2kb

428. Animals & general human health |
this effect was sustained in dog owners through to 10 months. The pet-acquiring groups also showed improvements in their scores on the 30-item General Health Questionnaire over the first 6 months and, in dog owners, this improvement was maintained - 19.2kb

429. Animals & elderly people |
of a suitable shelter dog, the dog was introduced gradually into the facility. Upon adoption, the dog's welfare was monitored during the first 6 months by integrating indirect assessment (18-item questionnaire) with direct observations - 79.6kb

430. Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) |
Contamination of pet therapy dogs with MRSA and Clostridium difficile Lefebvre, S. L.; Weese, J. S.; read more ( categories: Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) | Zoonosis ) Dolphin-assisted therapy: - 64.3kb

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