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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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Displaying results 381 - 390 of 458 matches (0.03 seconds)
381. Bacterial and parasitic zoonoses of exotic pets. (Special Issue: Bacterial a... Research in Human-Animal Interaction Home About Us Contact Us PDF of all abstracts - 7.4kb

382. Behavioral and physiological responses of guide dogs to a situation of emoti...
of untrained or trainee dogs. The subjects were 57 adult Labrador and Golden retriever dogs (14 males, 43 females) belonging to four different groups: 19 Custody dogs, 13 Apprentice dogs, 10 Guide dogs and 15 Pet dogs. dogs were tested using - 6.9kb

383. Behaviors and Attitudes towards Semi-Owned Cats | Research in Human-Animal Interaction Home About Us Contact Us PDF of all abstracts - 6.3kb

384. For the love of life. | Research in Human-Animal Interaction Home About Us Contact Us PDF of all abstracts - 6.6kb

385. A survey of veterinarians in the US: euthanasia and other end-of-life issues... Research in Human-Animal Interaction Home About Us Contact Us PDF of all abstracts - 24.3kb

386. A survey of teaching and implementation: the veterinarian's role in rec... Research in Human-Animal Interaction Home About Us Contact Us PDF of all abstracts - 7.8kb

387. A review of the roles of pet animals in psychotherapy and with the elderly. ... Research in Human-Animal Interaction Home About Us Contact Us PDF of all abstracts - 6.2kb

388. A survey of pet ownership, awareness and public knowledge of pet zoonoses wi...
helminths as  zoonoses in dogs (21.3%) and cats (1.1%) was low compared to rabies  (95.7%) with ancylostomosis (4.3%) and toxocariosis (2.1%) being the  specific parasitic zoonoses known to occur in dogs and toxoplasmosis  (2.1%) in - 8.3kb

389. A survey of pet ownership,awareness&public knowledge of pet zoonoses wit...
helminths as zoonoses in dogs (21.3%) and cats (1.1%) was low compared to rabies (95.7%) with ancylostomosis (4.3%) and toxocariosis (2.1%) being the specific parasitic zoonoses known to occur in dogs and toxoplasmosis (2.1%) in cats. More than - 6.9kb

390. A Comparison of Maltreated Children and Non-Maltreated Children on Their Exp... Research in Human-Animal Interaction Home About Us Contact Us PDF of all abstracts - 8.5kb

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