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Information Centre of
General Animal Protection

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Displaying results 111 - 120 of 458 matches (0.28 seconds)
111. Childhood asthma and early life exposure to indoor allergens, endotoxin and ...
of mite, cat and dog allergens, endotoxin and beta (1,3)-glucans were determined in dust from the homes of 260 two-year-old children with lung function measured at birth (tidal flow volume loops) in the Environment and Childhood Asthma - 8.7kb

112. A counterbalanced version of Ainsworth's Strange Situation Procedure re...
Hence, 38 adult dog-owner pairs were randomly placed in two conditions, both comprised of six 3-min episodes. In condition A, dogs entered an unfamiliar room with their owner; a stranger entered; the owner left the dog with the - 7.0kb

113. Beneficial effects of pet ownership on some aspects of human health and beha...
this effect was sustained in dog owners through to 10 months. The pet-acquiring groups also showed improvements in their scores on the 30-item General Health Questionnaire over the first 6 months and, in dog owners, this improvement was maintained - 6.6kb

114. An investigation of human-animal interactions and empathy ... in children |...
general findings related to dogs and cats are: (1) children who preferred (Pet Preference Inventory) both dogs and cats were more empathic than those who preferred cats or dogs only; (2) those who owned both dogs and cats were more empathic than - 7.4kb

115. Perspectives on domestication: the history of our relationship with man'...
training centers, and doggie day care centers. During the 1980s, recognition of the human-animal bond led to serious study of the roles that dogs play in our lives. These studies have shown that pets provide significant benefits to our - 7.0kb

116. Animal Assisted Therapy (AAT) |
of untrained or trainee dogs. The subjects were 57 adult Labrador and Golden retriever dogs (14 males, 43 females) belonging to four different groups: 19 Custody dogs, 13 Apprentice dogs, 10 Guide dogs and 15 Pet dogs. dogs were tested using - 26.5kb

117. The value of service dogs for people with severe ambulatory disabilities. A ...
value of service dogs for people with severe ambulatory disabilities. A randomized controlled trial. Allen, K., and J. Blascovich, 1996, JAMA, v. 275, p. 1001-6. OBJECTIVE: To - 7.7kb

118. Pet ownership: good for health? | Research in Human-Animal Interaction Home About Us Contact Us PDF of all abstracts - 6.3kb

119. Is there a scientific basis for pet therapy? |
prompted by walking a dog. Indeed, walking a dog may contribute to a physically active lifestyle. Moreover, patients suffering from chronic illness are likely to benefit from pet companionship. CONCLUSIONS: There is a contrast between - 6.5kb

120. Pet Dogs Benefit Owners' Health: A ‘Natural Experiment' in C...
in China on the impact of dogs on owners' health. Previous Western research has reported modest health benefits, but results have remained controversial. In China pets were banned in urban areas until 1992. Since then dog ownership has grown - 6.6kb

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